• 1 General

All services offered by are subject to the following General Terms and Conditions. The version valid at the time of the conclusion of the contract shall be authoritative. By booking, the customer agrees to the terms and conditions, which can be viewed on the Internet or on the notice board in the office.

  • 2 Scope of application

These General Terms and Conditions apply to car parking, transport of the customer’s car from the airport to the company premises in and its return transport from there to the airport, as well as all other services provided on behalf of the customer. Other deviating provisions insofar as they are contained in the customer’s general terms and conditions shall not apply unless they are expressly recognized by

  • 3 Conclusion of contract

Contractual partners are Parkdeck24

Heddingheimer Str. 12
65755 Hattersheim

and the customer. A contract under the terms and conditions stated in these GTC is concluded when the customer clicks on the “Submit Reservation” button in the reservation process of the website after entering his data and subsequently sends the customer a reservation confirmation to the e-mail address specified in the reservation process. The binding conclusion of the contract takes place at the time of receipt of the reservation confirmation in the customer’s e-mail inbox. stores the contract data in its own booking system. The customer can save the contract data by saving the reservation confirmation and the GTC sent to him again with the same e-mail on his computer or by printing them out.

  • 4 Subject matter of the contract, services, conduct on the premises Parkdeck24 is obliged to provide the services booked by the customer within the scope of these GTC and to provide the agreed services. The subject of the contract includes the provision of a parking space for motor vehicles and the round-trip transportation of the car to the parking space / airport under the conditions stated here and any other agreed additional services. Neither guarding nor custody are subject of this contract. does not assume any custody or special care obligations for the objects brought in by the customer. With the confirmed reservation the customer acquires the right to park his car in the booked period on a parking lot on the premises of and to hand over the car at the airport to an employee of for transfer to the parking lot and to receive his car back at the terminal after return. is entitled to drive by car to the parking place in (14 km) and back later for the purpose of the car transfer. For any additional services booked, is authorized to drive to and from the nearest service station or cooperating workshop. Further trips are not allowed. For existing claims arising from the contract, has a legal lien on the hired vehicle including the corresponding accessories. is also entitled to have the parked vehicles removed from the premises at the expense and risk of the respective customer if, for example: – the contract is terminated and the customer cannot be reached; – a parked vehicle poses a general danger due to defects (e.g. leaking tank, etc.); – a parked vehicle is not registered with the police or has been removed from circulation by the authorities during the term of the contract; – the vehicle has been parked without authorization;

Cars may only be moved on the company premises by employees of The instructions of the staff must be followed. The customer shall be liable for an adjusted vehicle in the event of oil or other fluid leaks and any contamination caused thereby. In case of contamination of the soil or groundwater, the removal must be carried out by an authorized specialized company at the expense of the customer. In these cases, the customer has no right to self-execution. It is not permitted to stay on the company premises. For the arrival with oversized vehicles (vehicle height > 1.90 m) or extra wide vehicles (vehicle width > 2 m) a prior consultation is required!

  • 5 Remuneration & Payment

The current price lists at the time of the conclusion of the contract, which can be viewed on the Internet or in the office, apply to the price calculation. Time specifications for parking services are calculated according to calendar days or part thereof from the time of entry into the parking area. The reservation confirmation includes the final fee for the promised service, unless the customer exceeds the booking time or requests additional chargeable services that were not known at the time of confirmation. The fee for the booked pitch and other services is paid in cash at the latest upon arrival at the parking lot. The prices include the respective statutory value added tax. can refuse the surrender of the hired vehicle until the full payment of the invoice price. The withdrawal must be sent by email.

  • 6 Withdrawal and compensation grants the customer the right to withdraw from the contract at any time. In case of cancellation less than 24 hours before the rented parking period, a cancellation fee of 50% of the calculated price must be paid. The Customer is expressly granted the possibility to prove that Valetparking has suffered no or less damage.

  • 7 Liability / Disclaimer

The liability for damages of, its legal representatives and its vicarious agents is excluded, unless otherwise stipulated below. The exclusion of liability does not apply to damage caused intentionally or by gross negligence or to damage to life, limb or health caused intentionally or by negligence. Furthermore, the exclusion of liability shall not apply in the event of intentional or negligent breach of contractual obligations which are so essential that their fulfillment is a prerequisite for the performance of the contract and on whose compliance the customer may regularly rely (so-called cardinal obligations); in the event of slightly negligent breach of cardinal obligations, however, the liability shall be limited to the amount of the typically foreseeable (contract-typical) damage. With the booking, the customer assures that the vehicle has the legally required insurance coverage until it leaves the premises.

Upon request, the driver’s license and vehicle registration certificate must be presented to the employees of and vicarious agents. In special cases, proof of sufficient insurance coverage may also be required. If the aforementioned documents cannot be presented, is entitled to refuse the fulfillment of the contract. In these cases, the customer is not entitled to compensation. Irrespective of fault, the customer is liable for all damage caused as a result of technical defects by the vehicle brought onto the premises of by him or by third parties commissioned by him (e.g. loss of oil, explosion, loss of cooling water). This also applies if such defects were not included in the condition report on the vehicle or were previously unknown. The customer assigns his own claims against third parties or insurance companies arising from a damage event in advance to, insofar as is held liable for such a damage event on its part. Furthermore, liability for the loss of add-on parts attached to the car, such as hubcaps, spoilers, antennas is excluded, unless Valetparking is responsible for this in accordance with these GTC.

Valetparkig is not responsible at any time for the punctual arrival of the booked flight of its clients. The customer is responsible for being at the airport on time or checking in on time if, for example, he cannot reach the driver by phone. No claims for damages can be made from a failure to check in on time. If a vehicle does not start due to a technical defect, it is the customer’s responsibility to take appropriate measures. In case the vehicle does not start upon return, without Valetparking being responsible for this in accordance with these GTC, Valetparking shall not be liable for any costs incurred.

In the case of heavily soiled cars, the burden of proof changes in that the customer must prove that the damage was caused by us or our employees if, based on the location of the damage, it can be assumed that the damage was not visible to the employee when the vehicle was handed over. is not responsible for any damage to the vehicles caused by natural forces outside and inside the premises.

  • 8 Data protection

The data provided will be processed by The customer agrees that his data will be electronically processed and stored by within the framework of the contractual relationship. The data will not be disclosed to third parties without authorization.

  • 9 Final provisions

The contractual relationship between the customer and Valetparking is governed by German law. For consumers, this applies only to the extent that they are not thereby deprived of the protection of mandatory provisions of the law of the state of their habitual residence. The set-off against claims of Valetparking by the customer is only possible with undisputed or legally established claims.

If the customer does not have a general place of jurisdiction in Germany or if the customer acts as a merchant, legal entity under public law or special fund under public law, the place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from contractual relationships with Valetparking shall be Geldern. Should individual agreements of these GTC be or become invalid in whole or in part, the validity of the remaining agreements shall not be affected thereby. The invalid clause shall be replaced by the relevant statutory provision.